Friday, August 5, 2011


Today I had not alot to do at work and finished up a poster for the Union Square Petco's Grooming Dept. (You're welcome Josh!)

Then... I got to thinking that one of the Weimaraner Clubs I belong to doesn't have a logo. Now, I'm sure it isn't NECESSARY to have a logo but I wanted to play today LOL. So, I found a picture of the stud dog of the President of the club and some other collateral materials to work with and got busy.

My favorite in the contact sheet is version 7... and then I kept playing and did number 9.
Now my fave overall!
How about you? Post me your fave in the comments!


  1. I like #8 and here's why. I'm not a big fan of the oval around the picture but that's most likely just personal preference. In #8, the words frame picture nicely - no oval necessary. But I do prefer the faded graphic in the background of #9. Great work!

  2. The president weighed in and liked 4 and 9 best. The final rendition is like 9 with the island darker and the ribbon removed. I may post later in the week.

    Keep an eye out for my first Weimaraner Magazine ad to be posted (it was created for the August issue)
